Eva Grigore



Hi, I'm Eva,

 I'm 14 years old and I'm from Timisoara, Romania.

Four years ago, my godson gave me a street skateboard, and I was happy because I had seen certain skaters on YouTube and it seemed very interesting. I had never been on a skate, so in the first months I learned to keep my balance. 

Then I started following Marius Constantin on YouTube and I wanted to do also his tricks. For the first time I learned a Casper, which I was extremely delighted with. 

In the winter I ordered a complete freestyle skate from Marius' website and after a while I managed a simple Railflip. 

I continued to follow tutorials on youtube succeeding in the spring Rail to Rail. 

This trick was a great achievement for me, and the rest of the summer I tried to perfect the 3 tricks. In the fall I managed my first double Railflip and my first Pogo, being inspired by the videos of Marius and Isamu Yamamoto.

I continued to perfect the tricks I learned, then I managed my first Finger flip, followed by No hand 50/50, which became my favorite, along with the Butterflip, which I learned in one day.

I considered it necessary to create an Instagram account to show what I learned, but being private, only a few friends could see it. I really wanted to communicate with those from the Romanian team, but I was ashamed to contact them. One day, Andrei Novelli started to following me on Instagram and showed my videos to the rest of the team. That's how I started talking with Marius and keeping in touch with the team from Slatina. I was extremely happy that I was finally talking to them, and shortly after, in July 2023, I went to my first contest in Bucharest where we got to know each other better.

This is my story related to skateboarding.  

I can say about me that I am a friendly and happy person, I love to spend time with my family and my animals (a dog and three cats). I am a sporty person, I exercise a lot, I love swimming, running and skiing, but my passion is freestyle skateboarding.

I want to get better and better in this sport and participate in as many competitions as possible.

I believe that freestyle skateboarding is not only a sport, but a way of life that brings together many beautiful people.



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